Social enterprises in the greater Cincinnati area:

Building Value

Building Value salvages reusable building materials destined for the landfill and resells them to the public. Founded in 2004 by the nonprofit Easter Seals Tristate to create new job training opportunities for its disabled clients and generate additional revenues, the enterprise to date has completed over 100 deconstructions, salvaged more than 5,000 tons of reusable building materials, and provided on-the-job training in retail and construction to over 150 individuals.


Green Recycling Works (GRW)

Launched in 2011, Green Recycling Works (GRW) is a social enterprise designed to provide transitional employment opportunities for graduates of City Gospel Mission’s resident drug treatment programs, generate revenues for the Mission, and improve Cincinnati’s physical environment. GRW generates revenues by contracting with companies that have recyclables they cannot handle and then by breaking down and packaging materials that cannot be resold. In addition to creating about 10 jobs, GRW diverts 200 tons of cardboard and 12 trailers of paper from area landfills each year.


Whole Home

Whole Home is a social enterprise that provides home modification services to aging Cincinnati residents so that they can remain safely in their homes. All enterprise revenues are funneled into its parent nonprofit, People Working Cooperatively (PWC), which provides home repair, weatherization, modification, and maintenance services to low-income elderly and disabled homeowners in the Greater Cincinnati area. Since its establishment in 1975, PWC has provided services to more than 250,000 people.  


Social enterprise highlighted by ECI