Photographers take photographs. There are many different types of photographers, including portrait, event and artistic.

Art Photographers

You can purchase prints, frames, etc of pretty places of pictures that other people have taken. Here are some photographers that sell photographs in various forms:

Event and Portrait Photographers

You can pay some photographers to take photos of you or your event. Here are some photographers and photography studios that operate in and around Davis:

William Liu Photography


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2010-11-03 20:41:53   For those who are looking for a photographer, I have taken the time to view all websites listed. I liked lemon'n lime photography, Bryan Green, & William Liu's websites the best. They take contemporary pictures that are fresh & vibrant. —PamAarkes

2014-02-14 22:02:12   Hey people of Davis! We are a new couple team focused on wedding photography. We are new to Davis and excited to get to know you. Check us out at bestofjoy.comMelvinGruesbeck