Congrats to the Wealthy Theatres new micro cinema. I just want to point out that, while they have heat and air conditioning (show-offs!) we show films that are a little different, perhaps, more underground than they do. I totally support the Weathy Theatre and will be attending many an event there.

The "other" Grand Rapids Microcinema (one word) 470 Market SW [1]should not be confused with Wealthy Theatre's Micro Cinema (two words). There's plenty of room in this for two cines de idiosycrases.

We at the one-word Microcinema are especially interested in showing hyper-specialized, avante garde, undergound, and other esoteric films. We're always open to suggestions and unusual ideas.

This friday: 9pm (doors at 8:30pm) we'll be showing Tarkovsky's "SACRIFICE"[2] This is T's final film that deals with World War III and one man's attempt to stop it.

Admission: FREE Outside beverages o.k.