Bistro Pomme Verte

Tues - Thu 5 – 9 pm
Fri - Sat 4 – 10 pm
Sun: Accepting Private Parties

We always have several locally grown ingredients in our menu items.

Sources: our own vegetables and herbs, Blair Vineyards, Primordia Mushrooms, Rodale Institute, Salvaterra's Gardens, Valley Milkhouse Creamery, 3 other local farms, and 6 regional producers/distributors.

A collaborative endeavor of accomplished chefs, whose mission is to create and serve unique and delicious food with utmost attention to the detail of each dish. Our goal is to bring the many flavors of the world home for everyone to enjoy.

Charyn Ayoub
190 S Greenwood Ave, Easton 18045
Northampton County
[email protected]
fb: Bistro Pomme Verte