Twitter was a San Francisco-based website that allowed registered users to micro-blog entries of up to 140 characters in length. Now it is a mess known as X.

It also allows embedding of videos and photos within the micro-blog posts, which almost always are referred to as Tweets.

Like our wiki pages, tweets can be "Tagged", but are dubbed Hashtags, because there is tic-tac-toe or Hash sign in front of the series of letters or numbers being used as a tag.

During Oakland City Council Meetings, people usually include the #oakmtg hashtag when tweeting about the meeting. Sometimes when things get really fun, #oakmtg hashtag trends nationally! (The dates when it's trended nationally are listed on the #oakmtg entry.) Civic engagement is fun!

Oakland Wiki was on twitter with the easy to remember username of @OaklandWiki

awesome twitters:

official twitters (boring):