There are a number of parks in Santa Rosa.

  • Santa Rosa is great at car-free paths.  You can get from Santa Rosa to the Russian River and spend 95% of your time on car-free paths.
  • The car-free paths are often next to creeks. 
  • The creeks dry up in the summer.
  • These paths flood out during especially heavy rains.


  • There is at least one Bocce Ball court (what IS bocce ball?!) and
  • at least two community garden spaces. 
  • There are ducks and river otters.  There are squirrels and birds.
  • There's a park downtown on 4th street that had a bunch of homeless people at the start of the pandemic but they got kicked out so that the park could sit there empty instead.
  • There's a park that's halfway to an amusement park.  It has "sailing" lessons and lake-like swimming, and a mini train that children can ride.
  • There are hiking trails!